February 22nd, 2012 | 1 Comment | Posted in The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 7

Howdy! Howdy is the word today because it’s Rodeo weekend where I live, which means the kids get two days off from school. No, I am not kidding about this. We’re starting our weekend a day early because we’re in the throes of the plague, again, so let’s see if I can get this thing turned out with three demanding kids home sick. For starters, here is the news:

· Last week I said that Donn Gunvalson had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and remarked “poor Donn”. Apparently Donn doesn’t need my pity, as RadarOnline reports he has been frequently spotted at a “swingers’ club” called Freedom Acres of late. Freedom Acres is the kind of place where you pay a yearly membership fee and then come on in and have a good old adult time among amenities such as a pool table, giant hot tub, dance floors with poles, and lots of porn on the many TVs. Donn likes to bring a ladyfriend and then engage in “public sex” with her; he reportedly does not get all Eyes Wide Shut or anything so it’s pretty normal as paying money to have sex among strangers in a “swingers’ club” goes. I’m telling you, the older I get, the weirder I realize people are.

· In less prurient news, RadarOnline also reported last week that Taylor Armstrong is having an affair with her married lawyer (who is representing her in litigation over her and Russell’s alleged malfeasance with a company called The lawyer completely denies the suggestion there is anything illicit afoot, but when RadarOnline called his wife in Colorado for comment she certainly didn’t seem all happy-clappy about things. So who knows. Hope they are happy.

· Teresa apparently survived week 1 on “Celebrity Apprentice”. I didn’t see it as I was waiting in a car with my older kids outside an emergency room while my little guy got stitches after smashing his head into the corner of a coffee table. I’m no germaphobe, but you couldn’t pay me to sit in that petri dish – coughing, vomiting, blood, and half the patients had no shoes on. I hear Teresa played things pretty under-the-radar. That’ll last.

· And finally, if you want to see something funny go to and click on “Reality Stars Week in Photos – Feb. 8th” (right hand side). Go all the way to the bottom and there’s a hilariously unflattering photo of Alexass Bellino that will make you feel much better about how you photograph.

Let’s hop to our recap, brought to you today by the good people at Lego and Nintendo, makers of Wii:

One thought on “REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ORANGE COUNTY – 2/22/12

  1. All the housewives are ridiculous people and your recaps are SO funny–which makes the housewives seem even MORE ridiculous. Thoroughly enjoy your recaps, Elizabeth!

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