February 29th, 2012 | 1 Comment | Posted in The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 7

Happy Leap Day, everybody! I just wish it came with extra sleep or zero calories or something. Anyway, what’s new? Well:

· Last week I told you than Donn Gunvalson had been spending a lot of time at a sex club called Freedom Acres. Well guess who else hangs out there? Stephen Hawking! Yes, that brilliant astrophysicist with ALS. There’s something for everybody at Freedom Acres.

· Happy news for Camille Grammer, who has finally settled her custody dispute with Frasier. At one time he was seeking custody of one kid and was going to leave her with the other, but they’ve agreed on joint custody with Camille having primary care and Frasier getting “liberal visitation”. Somehow I suspect there won’t be a lot of actual visitation happening, just saying.

· Rumors continue to go around and around about who is and isn’t coming back for season 3 of RHBH, the latest being that everyone will be back except Camille, who wants to move on. Yes, even Kim, who wants to show the world that she can stay sober. I’m alright with that, I suppose. Could do without Taylor.

· Taylor is staying in the news by opining that it may really be okay if Rihanna and Chris Brown are back together. Always helpful, that Taylor!

· The premiere of RHONY may be delayed, according to Wendy Williams, because Ramona and new housewife Heather Thomson (of Yummie Tummie) are not getting along and refuse to film together. Why this would result in delaying the season I have no idea. And is Wendy Williams actually a man named Walter?

One thought on “REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ORANGE COUNTY – 2/29/12

  1. **correction..At the Improv Heather actually asks Jim if they would be included in the act if they weren’t there..not Alexis** This was just another attempt from Slade to stay relevant on the show. It will do anything to be a OC housewife…pathetic!

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