Welcome back to El Adobe De Capistrano, my friends, where the fun has only just begun. Before we get to that, there’s been plenty going on off camera to get caught up on, so let’s hop to it:

* First, in case you were dying to hear the details about Eddie Estrada’s proposal to Tammy Faye Barney, the magic moment happened when the two were vacationing in Bora Bora. Eddie re-proposed back in the OC with the assistance of Tamra’s four kids to make it a big family occasion. Isn’t that sweet?

* Interestingly, there is a photo in the coming issue of Us of T & E with her lovely cushion-cut diamond ring, and in it she’s wearing the same outfit she had on when she visited Vic’s office on last night’s episode, minus the brown suede boots. I thought it strange that she was carrying a Christmas coffee cup last night when the episode supposedly filmed in October (the comedy show was October 4), so now I just find the whole sequence of events even more confusing. Not that it really matters, just an observation.

* Not to be outdone, with Tamra’s engagement rumors began to fly (along with pigs) that Gretchen and Slippery Slade had asked Bravo to pick up the tab for a big fancy engagement ring, proposal event, and wedding, all to be filmed for TV purposes. According to the rumors, Bravo declined. No idea whether any of this is true but Gretchen took to her Facebook to acknowledge the rumors and state they are all false. In other words, the fact that there are rumors is true, but the rumors themselves may or may not be true. Hearsay, in other words!

* Speaking of Slade, he has recently gotten his $3500/month child support obligation to his baby mama reduced to a much more affordable $775. He has accumulated a whopping $130K in back support and is now being hounded by an organization called Most Wanted Deadbeats. You may have noticed Slade’s conspicuous silence last night while Gretch screamed in Vic’s face that Slade had never been arrested for failure to pay (as Donn2 has). Doop de doo… oh, what? Were you talking about me? Perhaps this is because Slade was in fact arrested (possibly at Gretchen’s house) back in February 2009 – TMZ reported it, with a statement from Slade, way back when it happened. Slade keeps bringing up the kid’s medical bills as though there’s some related justification in not paying support, but I don’t get it other than as a plea for public pity.

* On a lighter note, just this morning Gretchen showed up on some Playboy radio station and sang her new song about Slade’s Magical Penis! You can find a clip on PerezHilton.

* Taylor hostessed a domestic violence awareness fundraiser this weekend, which is most interesting for the who’s-who of attendees (Kyle, Dana, Adrienne) and non-attendees (Lisa, Camille) and Dana’s curious ensemble, complete with pompadour and gloves.

* Lisa Vanderpump is supposedly pressuring the other ladies, particularly Kyle, to “choose sides”. No further specifics supplied. Seeing as this news surfaced in a rather unflattering Radar Online article, it begs the question who exactly is the person “selling stories” to RO. Doesn’t seem like Lisa to me. Cough cough Taylor cough cough.

* The Glands, for her part, is going to write a book!

* And finally: Reality Tea is reporting that Dina and Caroline Manzo are still not speaking, and that Dina is basically using Teresa and her beloved Project Ladybug charity to get more media exposure.

Enough of that, let’s get back to the Bunco and check in!

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