Why hello! Tonight’s theme is the working girls’ career crises (snore), so before we endure that let’s get newsy.

· Filming of season 3 of RHOBH is underway, and Yolanda Hadid is officially our newest Housewife. Yolanda, a Dutch former model, is the ex-wife of Lisa Vandersmoothie’s pal, FOShahs of Sunset Mohamed Hadid, and is currently married to music producer David Foster, whose ex-wife is Linda Thompson, who before that was the ex-wife of Bruce Jenner and is still mother to Brody Jenner. Linda appeared in the Malibu beach party from hell episode this past season. Good times ahead, no doubt.
· Following in the footsteps of Survivor’s tie-dyed fan favorite Rupert Boneham, currently a candidate for the Governorship of Indiana, Tareq Salahi (the White House party crasher) is running for Governor of Virginia! Oh, and also his big bucks-no whammies lawsuit against the cheesy guitarist from Journey who stole his bony-butt wife got thrown out of court. At least he fought like a man.
· All kinds of dramatic crap is happening in Miami where they are filming a new season of RHOM, even though no one really watched it the first time. Marysol (who I think is the one with the scary-looking face) got into a scrap with a drag queen and is really mad about it. This season they have added that girl Joanna Krupa, who was on DWTS despite being just some nobody. And now the one person who knows who Joanna Krupa is will start watching and ratings will double.
· And finally, Jeana Keough is listing her Coto house for sale, again, for something like $3.6MM this time. Ex-husband Matt included for free.

That’s it. Yeah, I know. Let’s get to those OC housewives, who work hard for the money! So hard for us, honey.

One thought on “REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ORANGE COUNTY – 4/25/12

  1. i just realized that heathers husband dr. terry debrow was the plastic surgeon on the reality show bridalplasty on the e network.i knew i had seen him before.

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