Why hello! Tonight’s theme is the working girls’ career crises (snore), so before we endure that let’s get newsy.

· Filming of season 3 of RHOBH is underway, and Yolanda Hadid is officially our newest Housewife. Yolanda, a Dutch former model, is the ex-wife of Lisa Vandersmoothie’s pal, FOShahs of Sunset Mohamed Hadid, and is currently married to music producer David Foster, whose ex-wife is Linda Thompson, who before that was the ex-wife of Bruce Jenner and is still mother to Brody Jenner. Linda appeared in the Malibu beach party from hell episode this past season. Good times ahead, no doubt. · Following in the footsteps of Survivor’s tie-dyed fan favorite Rupert Boneham, currently a candidate for the Governorship of Indiana, Tareq Salahi (the White House party crasher) is running for Governor of Virginia! Oh, and also his big bucks-no whammies lawsuit against the cheesy guitarist from Journey who stole his bony-butt wife got thrown out of court. At least he fought like a man. · All kinds of dramatic crap is happening in Miami … Continue reading


Why hello! Hope your taxes are filed and your accountant taking the day off. Especially if your accountant is you.

Breaking news! Just this very second!

· Sheree Whitfield is officially leaving RHOA! She is claiming she decided to leave of her own accord, but “sources” are of course reporting that Sheree was fired for demanding money and being boring. Rule of Housewifery #7: If you are going to demand money you sure as hell better not be boring. I will always be fond of Sheree for having brought the phrase “Who gonna check me, Boo?” to my life. Note to self: test on children during next squabble. · Also down in ATL, NeNe is officially divorced from Gregg. (Odd that the only two people I know named Gregg with two G’s are both from Atlanta.) This was somewhat of an unexpectedly final development as she’s apparently been hinting on the show and in twits that it all may not be over between herself and Mr. Leakes. But alas. · Taylor supposedly found out … Continue reading


Good grief, is it Wednesday already? Gracious. Hope you had a wonderful holiday. We went to southern California for a few days of fun, which included an exquisite lunch with dear friends in San Juan Capistrano for me, just down the street from El Adobe, site of this season’s Bunco Fiasco. I honked as I drove by. During my vacation, not a lot of new news from the Housewives, but here’s what I’ve got:

· Last week I told you about a videotape that made the intertubes of a deposition given by Camille’s bodacious manhunk, Dimitri, in which an audiotape of Camille seeming to threaten Dimitri’s babymama was played. Camille’s “people”, meaning DD, immediately contacted the media to tell them that the whole thing was out of context, that Camille and the babymama had had a very long, pleasant conversation that was not on the tape before the babymama threatened to malign Camille in the press or some such. Pretty much what I thought. Immediately thereafters Dimitri got a restraining order which prevents the babymama … Continue reading