Why hello there! I have a question: is anyone actually watching RHOC? So far only one person I’ve spoken with indicated she has seen the show; I’m hearing from lots of other people that they aren’t watching, and are reading my recap instead (which is nice). So I am watching this show for everyone else? You know what this means? I could make up all kinds of stuff and no one would be the wiser. At this point, my favorite thing happening with RHOC is the commercials for “John Carter”. I have seen a good 20 of these commercials and I still can’t figure out what this movie is about any more than I can make sense of the plotline of the Star Wars: Clone Wars books I read daily to my middle child. But the hell if I care – it’s Tim Riggins in a loincloth! Just delicious. Texas Forever!

Alright, getting back to business here. Let’s recap what’s been happening offscreen this week with our housewives, shall we?

· First of all, according … Continue reading


Happy Leap Day, everybody! I just wish it came with extra sleep or zero calories or something. Anyway, what’s new? Well:

· Last week I told you than Donn Gunvalson had been spending a lot of time at a sex club called Freedom Acres. Well guess who else hangs out there? Stephen Hawking! Yes, that brilliant astrophysicist with ALS. There’s something for everybody at Freedom Acres.

· Happy news for Camille Grammer, who has finally settled her custody dispute with Frasier. At one time he was seeking custody of one kid and was going to leave her with the other, but they’ve agreed on joint custody with Camille having primary care and Frasier getting “liberal visitation”. Somehow I suspect there won’t be a lot of actual visitation happening, just saying.

· Rumors continue to go around and around about who is and isn’t coming back for season 3 of RHBH, the latest being that everyone will be back except Camille, who wants to move on. Yes, even Kim, who wants to show the world … Continue reading

February 29th, 2012 | 1 Comment | Posted in The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 7


Howdy! Howdy is the word today because it’s Rodeo weekend where I live, which means the kids get two days off from school. No, I am not kidding about this. We’re starting our weekend a day early because we’re in the throes of the plague, again, so let’s see if I can get this thing turned out with three demanding kids home sick. For starters, here is the news:

· Last week I said that Donn Gunvalson had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and remarked “poor Donn”. Apparently Donn doesn’t need my pity, as RadarOnline reports he has been frequently spotted at a “swingers’ club” called Freedom Acres of late. Freedom Acres is the kind of place where you pay a yearly membership fee and then come on in and have a good old adult time among amenities such as a pool table, giant hot tub, dance floors with poles, and lots of porn on the many TVs. Donn likes to bring a ladyfriend and then engage in “public sex” with her; he reportedly does … Continue reading

February 22nd, 2012 | 1 Comment | Posted in The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 7