How you doing? I’m on summer vacation #1 with my three kids escaping the desert heat for the midwest, and tonight my kids are totally going loco bananas. My dad was once a hard-hat deep-sea diver in the Navy (think 10,000 Leagues Under The Sea) and had his helmet made into a floor lamp, in which he installed a red light bulb. Needless to say while my mother and I watched this tawdry mess there have been many threats to make X child sleep in “the helmet room” so I can put an end to the interruptions. What will I do when I don’t have a helmet room? I’m sure I’ll come up with something. I do it for you, people. In other news:

* Kim Zolciak Biermann and family have officially been evicted from the home where they were filmed for “Tardy for the Wedding”. The landlord claims they were squatters after the lease expired, Kim says they are moving on to bigger and better digs whose price tag matches the inspection. Potato, potato.

* The Gorga ladies (Teresa, Melissa, and Kathy) were apparently on The View this past week and Teresa refused to be filmed with the others and endure an on-camera confrontation/intervention/failed reconciliation. Whoopi Goldberg was apparently so taken with Tree’s story that she refused to come out for Melissa’s segment. Either that or she was disgusted by the whole thing and went home, which is what I would do.

* As you know if you watched RHONJ this past week, Melissa has a new single called “Rock Star”. And it sucks. In related news, my kids discovered a video on YouTube called “Narwhals” a few days ago and I can’t get it out of my head. Google it. I mean it.

* Assy is telling media outlets she wants another Jumbellino but Jumbo won’t put any in a cup for her.

* Gretch may or may not be at her wits’ end with Slade. Snore. Oh, and speaking of, he apparently has a new job hosting a radio show on a station called Playlist 92.7 in the OC area. No indication at what hour said show airs.

* Eddie and Tammy Sue took a comped trip to Mexico recently to take Twitter photos at a resort where they say they are considering being married.

* I forgot to mention this last week, but a ring that is supposedly Tay’s engagement ring is for sale on eBay: I have my doubts whether this is legitimate, but news outlets have reported that creditors took possession of the ring and are selling it to cover outstanding debts. On eBay? This is the best that can be done?

* And finally: Jill Zarin blogged this week about how weak RHONY is without the old cast and about how it’s like Dallas after all the main cast members left. She made some weird comment about them offering lots of money to “Bobby” and I thought she meant her husband Bobby until I realized she meant Bobby Ewing. Anyway. Cat Ommanney of RHODC tweeted that it was “sad” and I have to agree.

Enough of that – not a lot to go through tonight, but I’ve got to knock it out while I have the chance so let’s hop to it. Oh, and PS it looks like we’ve got two more episodes and then on to the reunion. Whee!

2 thoughts on “REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ORANGE COUNTY – 6/13/12

  1. Thanks for taking time to write what everyone thinks, except your writing is way more clever and witty!

    Thanks again for making this painful show worth watching!

  2. I agree. Your recaps are fantastic. I wish you would consider jumping over and recapping the RHWNYC – I would love your take and humor on that trainwreck as well. Thanks for the time and effort.

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