My oh my it’s been a long two weeks. Hope you enjoyed it. Let’s round it up!

* The OC reunion has only aired Part 1, and already Mr. Andy is out shopping for some new broads! RealFauxHousewives has a link to the Infolist casting call. If you are in the greater OC area, have an outsize ego, and an urgent need to become famous for no reason, you too can be a Housewife!

* Speaking of the OC, if you missed 20/20 a few weeks ago you really missed a doozy segment all about Donn2’s deadbeat ways. Basically the babymama of his “extra child” claims he lied to her about having been snipped which resulted in the pregnancy, ditched her with the hospital bill, has never paid a penny of support, and doesn’t see the kid. Wow. So far no response from Donn2 or Vic. To think all he wanted was to be a little bit famous for no reason.

* Tamra Barney has to pay $3300 to a ghostwriter with whom she had contracted to write her memoirs or thoughts on life or some such. Their initial efforts went nowhere fast, so don’t expect to find Tammy on the bestseller list anytime soon. In other news, she says she and Eddie are thinking about getting married in Italy in February. Because, you know, they are Italian.

* AND: according to RealityTea, bystanders at a party Patti Stanger recently threw overheard Jumbo Bellino repeatedly say that Lex is “done” with reality. We’ll see how that turns out, and whether it’s related to item #1 above. Who wears the pants, hmm?

* Up the coast, the former Chateau Pump caught fire! Lisa doesn’t live there anymore, but some of the BH9ers were across the street at the Oof-Ifs filming at the time. It was quite the inferno and made the news.

* Also in BH: Kim Richards got a nose job! Can you tell? I can’t, really.

* Across the country in ATL, NeNe’s older son Bryson managed to get arrested TWICE last week.

* And finally: I don’t get into the back and forth toilet bowl scrubbing of the Gorga-Guidices a whole lot because frankly I find it tiresome. However, if you are interested in all this stuff, and have a lot of patience, RealFauxHousewives reports that there’s a whole pro-Tree (or at least anti-Mel) blog dedicated to the stuff called FameWhorgas or something like that. Relive the magic that was Danielle Staub and ponder the neverending questions of who is a bad aunt and which NJ Housewife, if anyone, was a stripper, as if it even matters.

Oh and by the way: Mr. Andy has explained that they make casting decisions (like the NY mass firings) based on social media chatter and feedback, so if you want to see personnel change, get Twitting!

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