Ermagherd, I am back from my grand tour of the greater midwest and back to Bravo. I missed two whole weeks of Housewives and no, I can’t say I really noticed. Nor am I going back to catch up because it’s back to school week and I have a lot on my plate, so we’re all going to have to go on together from here and rehash the exciting parts in the reunions.

The news, the big news, the ONLY Housewives news of the past few weeks, is obviously Teresa and Joe Guidice’s federal indictments for fraud and conspiracy. Friends, these two are screwed. There’s not a chance in hell this would be happening if the US Attorney’s office didn’t have a complete, shatterproof case, and frankly we all know how incredibly brainy these two are so I can only imagine the paper trail they have left behind. Joe’s done for sure, and if he’s convicted on the identity fraud case related to the driver’s license deal he is going to be in much … Continue reading

August 7th, 2013 | No Comments | Posted in Uncategorized


Hey dere, hosers! Another week, another round of good times with some angry blondes on the loose in Canada. But first:

* Lucky Vic Gunvalson was dismissed from the “Vicki’s Vodka” suit this week, although Donn2 is still on the hook. In unrelated news, a friend of mine spotted her at LaGuardia this week and says she looked thinner than on the TV and was accompanied by a very peculiar pocket gay. A friend of that friend tells me that Vic’s insurance business is legitimately very successful and that she’s the real deal. I will doubt no more.

* In other legal news, Kenya Moore has been evicted from the house she was renting for RHOA purposes, although she claims that she somehow won the eviction proceedings. She wanted to be living in a box on the corner! She’s also getting more dough to come back to RHOA, says RealityTea. I thought I’d heard she was out, but I don’t watch that show anyway so whatever. Only so much of this crap I can take.

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Hellooo! Hope you had a festive Fourth and managed to stay out from under the table. Unlike some people….

* Such as The Glands who got into a public fracas with Mr. and Mrs. Leann in front of the kidlets at Nobu last week, followed by getting full-on naked wasted in London last night per Radar Online. The fact that she was basically wearing nothing but a sheer scarf and a thong made for some truly astounding photos.

* Down in the OC, Lauri and Vic continue their tit-for-tat about Lauri’s return to the show and the gossip cycle. More on that later.

* Also in the OC, it seems Simon Barney would not permit the little Barnsmells to appear on the Tammy and Eddie wedding special. He has actually not permitted the Barnsmells to appear on RHOC at all since he and Tammy split, and his reasoning (that he’s not around to weigh in on the appropriateness of scenes that include them) seems quite fair enough, especially given the deep regret so many of … Continue reading